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Check out our Vacuum Dehydration Oil Purification System (VDOPS) at a Steel Mill in North America

Check out our Vacuum Dehydration Oil Purification System (VDOPS) at a Steel Mill in North America! This mill produces rebar from scrap steel. To make the steel pliable, they will heat it and send it through various rolling stands. Before each stand/roll, the steel is sprayed with high pressure water.

Each stand has a large gear box that turns the dies that form the steel. Upsets are common and water from the process will occasionally drain into the gear boxes. The water carries grit and debris which will, in turn, contaminate the gear oil. Both the solids and water can cause premature equipment failures.

This is where our VDOPS comes into play! The VDOPS is used to remove both water and solids from the gear box oil reservoirs. When it come to high viscosity gear oils, our vacuum dehydrator exceeds all expectations. This oil we pulled from a reservoir that was 10 feet below grade was MEROPA 460 (ISO 460). The starting particle counts were 24/22/20 and water started at 480 ppm. The VDOPS removed water and particles without issue and reduced those numbers to 17/15/14 and 73 ppm respectively.

Contact us today for all your oil filtration and purification needs. #maintenance#service#oilfiltration#water#gearboxes#steelmill#oil

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